When minis were first used to carry crowns and bridges, the main problems were that the heads of the minis were too small to lend themselves for impression taking and difficult prosthodontic construction of crowns and bridges in the laboratory. When cast, the heads would fracture off easily. Several methods have been devised to overcome this problem:-
The lab technicians simply built up the fractured heads of the minis and then constructed the crown or bridge on top of them. Because of the small diameter of the mini dental implant, the resulting crown always have a base that rests on the mucosa immediately surrounding the emerging implant. This overlapping of the crowns and bridges on the mucosa is universal when restoring mini dental implants. The crowns and bridges were cemented into the patient’s mouth. Whatever gaps present between the crowns and the mini heads were filled up generously with cement. The excess were then removed from around the periphery of the crowns and bridges. These always resulted in a circular margin of cement in direct contact with the mucosa. This direct long term contact of cement to mucosa were assumed to be acceptable and unlikely to cause long term complications. Todd Shatkin’s “FIRST Technique” is basically of this nature and thankfully so far has given little or no problems since it was first used about ten years ago.
FIRST stands for Fabricated Implant Restoration Surgical Technique. This is a highly lab-dependent technique outlined as follows :-
- X-rays and models are sent to a FIRST Laboratory.
- A precision made surgical stent is made that will determine precisely the number and position of each mini dental implant to be placed. Even the depth to which each implant is placed is determined by the titanium sleeve that is incorporated into the surgical stent.
- The final crown and bridge is prefabricated in the FIRST Lab and sent to the dentist together with the surgical stent.
- All the dentist has to do is to place in the surgical stent and drill the prescribed holes to the exact depth required, all guided precisely by the surgical stent.
- The mini dental implants are then screwed in to the exact depth as indicated by the titanium sleeves built into the stent.
- The crown or bridge is tested in the mouth and then filled with a resin cement and cemented into place. All excess cement is removed and the treatment is complete.
To be continued.....................also check out where I am working on my book on mini dental implants.
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