This lady presented with a retained primary left canine due to a congenitally missing permanent canine. Since it was already mobile and inflamed, we extracted it and immediately placed in a mini dental implant. A composite BUD was moulded on with the MOSTDIMOLD and the resulting abutment was shaped. An impression was taken and sent for a PFM which was then cemented the following visit. In this particular case, there was some resorption of the adjacent premolar root due probably to the prolonged retention of the chronically inflamed primary canine next to it. A flap was raised and all infamed tissue was curretted thoroughly before placement of the mini. Three years later, an xray revealed that the resorbed portion of the root has been filled with bone and the implant supported canine was still looking good and biting strong.
The bone had filled up the socket and climbed up the mini dental implant to the max, thus giving the mucosa good support, hence the wonderful aesthetics.
Put minis in the hands of the GPs and minimized dental implants will become the main workhorse of implant dentistry. The future of implant dentistry is mini dental implants in the trained and skilled hands of the GPs!
About two years later, the patient came back complaining of swelling and discharge for some time next to the implant. An xray revealed that the discharge was from the premolar whose root had been partly resorbed by the chronic infection before the implant was placed. The implant was not only healthy and firm, bone had climbed up....... I mean regenerated around it right up to the crown. The treatment was then merely to do an endo on the premolar..... nothing to do with the mini dental implant. Up! Up! The Mighty Mini!!!
The pic here you see is not one from the time of the cementation of the crown, but more than two years later. No loss of papillae and no black triangles.